Thursday 4 November 2010

Analysis of Newround News program

This is a print screen of a Newsround Anchor...

This is a print screen of the Newsround website...


The layout on the homepage of the Newsround website is informal plenty fancy styled pictures links and a colourful title.

The homepage is full of links; they are all cramped in together.

There are different forms of media on the homepage including pictures, text and videos. The pictures shown on the home page showing peoples faces have them smiling and looking bright. There are plenty subheadings as well as a page for most popular news. There is not much text under every title on the other hand there is also a search engine on the homepage. As part of the banner there is text scrolling across the screen.

The page is not organised in a strict manor rather it is quite free; for example different sized text boxes, pictures additional the colours on the page are not at all organised other than the fact that each other is bright rather than any mouldy or dark colours.

From the colour scheme to the layout of the page it is clear the targeted audience is children. The fact that everything on the page is positive portrays that the page is made especially for children as they are not at the age to be dealing with negative news and children mostly see the ‘fun side’ of life

This is a print screen of the Newsround logo...

The logo for newsround is rather simple and very colourful

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