Friday 12 November 2010

Location Recee

This is my location recee, where im going to be shooting all of my stories. The story which I will go deep into is the astroturf pitch.

This location shot establishes the story that will reported on shortly about the infrastructure of Stoke Newington School. The picture shows the top of a bridge.

This is a shot of the primary school that will be in my news programme. The story will be about the school being rated the highest school in Hackney borough.

This is a shot of the leisure centre I will be filming in my in my news programme with reports that this location will be used as a venue in the 2012 Olympics.

This is a shot of the Olympic emblem representing its importance hackney, the local area.

This shows the church in stoke Newington that will be using to explain the story of the pope having a secret visit to the most attended church area.

This is a shot of the astroturf pitch I will be talking about in my main story.

Time Plan

Thursday 4 November 2010

Review on news programs as a whole

Most of the logos on news programs are very simple with colours relating to the programs purpose. For example the Standard Evening news logo had rather serious colours in using black and white also the font implied that the new program is very strict with its audience in a sense which made it clear it is news a news program which will interest young children. On the other hand Newround portrayed a more childish logo in a sense, by using the bright colouring with purple and the two bright shades of green it is clear that the audience they are reaching out to is not as serious as Standard Evening news and other news programs. Additionally the font is very big and Creative rather than simple which is also a good technique used to identify with their audience.
After looking at many logos I have concluded that the logos for most if not all news programs are rather simple in terms of appearance however I also think that all main stream news program logos have a means to connecting with their audience.

Most of the websites for news programs have a very good structur; additionally most of the layouts are in columns of two to four. I also noticed that in every news website I looked at there is a banner which has the news programs logo which was the first thing I saw every time I went on to a news website. As well as that the logo shows up on every page of the website, which could also be seen as an advertising technique, for instance if I was on a news website and the banner was showing as somebody walked by and looked at my screen they may be drawn into going into the website. Also I noticed that on every news website there are many subsections for example sports, weather, business and so on this is very effective because it allows user the opportunity to find news on the topic they are interested in as quick as possible. Another thing I noticed was that the there was a lot of advertising on some news websites and on others there was things that interest their audience e.g. quizzes and Games. Newsround used this technique of putting quizzes and games on their website to further attract their audience luring them in consistently knowing that every now and then the people that go on to the games will eventually see headlines which are on the same page that interest them.

Analysis of Newround News program

This is a print screen of a Newsround Anchor...

This is a print screen of the Newsround website...


The layout on the homepage of the Newsround website is informal plenty fancy styled pictures links and a colourful title.

The homepage is full of links; they are all cramped in together.

There are different forms of media on the homepage including pictures, text and videos. The pictures shown on the home page showing peoples faces have them smiling and looking bright. There are plenty subheadings as well as a page for most popular news. There is not much text under every title on the other hand there is also a search engine on the homepage. As part of the banner there is text scrolling across the screen.

The page is not organised in a strict manor rather it is quite free; for example different sized text boxes, pictures additional the colours on the page are not at all organised other than the fact that each other is bright rather than any mouldy or dark colours.

From the colour scheme to the layout of the page it is clear the targeted audience is children. The fact that everything on the page is positive portrays that the page is made especially for children as they are not at the age to be dealing with negative news and children mostly see the ‘fun side’ of life

This is a print screen of the Newsround logo...

The logo for newsround is rather simple and very colourful

Thursday 21 October 2010

Analysis of Voice online News program

This is the Voice online website homepage...

Voice Online


The layout on this page starts with a banner on the top of the page showing the logo the website and the website as well as a banner this clearly separates the

On the homepage for this website there are four different columns. There is a noticeable amount a space between the different subheadings of each subheading.

Under each subheading there is a small paragraph ended with an ellipsis at the end of each. In addition to that there are pictures below each subheading. In the fourth column there is a space specifically for advertisement as well as that in the third column the sites purpose is to promote musicians, there is also a section for multimedia that has 2 videos on show.

The colour scheme for this is simply red and white but for each subheading there is a highlight of one different colour

I would think this website would attract a young audience maybe from the mid teenage upwards. Promoting young music talent, giving information on carnivals, entertain and sport nearer the top of the homepage gives of that it is for a young audience. In addition to this the fact that the more serious topic are nearer the bottom of the page show that the site is not targeting adults.

This is the voice online logo...

This is another simple looking logo also red and white

Analysis of Standard evening News program

This is the Standard evening website homepage

The layout of this page is packed with sections of information including a healthy sentence under each picture, subheading and video giving the user a good source of information before they actually click on the link above it. Because of this the homepage is very big.

Because of the amount of text on the page navigation is not the greatest for some people unlike other news websites a lower percentage of the text on the page is actually linked to another page.

There is a very large amount of content on the homepage of this site include a large amount of pictures, text, videos and answer boxes for questions of their interest. They have import and helpful information on every subject they talk about in this website for example as the world cup is going on there is an update to table showing all results as they know it is in the vast majorities interest. They also have many sub heading; news, entertainment, sports, business, life style, sponsored links, promotions, comment and opinion and games.

The colour of the background of the page is white and the text is black showing a sense of seriousness; however a touch orange is also part of the theme colour as well as that a few other bright colour are use on the topic such as sport entertainment and so on. It is quite clear this is done to show the contrast between the seriousness between the more business/political type of information and the more fun type of topics, in other word these colours put a line between the two.

Because there is such a variety of data types and so many topics of variety a wide audience will be attached to this website site. Nevertheless this is within the UK because

This is the Standard evening Logo...

The colours of this logo are rather serious and the design is a bit more complex and detailed

Analysis of Sky News program

This is the Sky News Anchor...

This is the Sky news website homepage...

There is a banner at the top of the page showing the sky news logo and other important notices, there is also a link on top of that page linking to The main page is split into six sections; the header footer a small section nearer the top of the page for videos and three columns as the main structure of the page.

There are a lot of links in organised positions on the page. Although there is a lot of information it is rather easy to skim through the information.

On the header there are important things which allow the user to see immediately for example the logo, the search engine and so on. There are videos showing the top stories at the specific time also with a link to live news. In the main part of the site in other words the bulk, there is a lot of useful information as well as links to blogs, promotion of subjects within the company as well as other companies linked to them, sports information, weather and many links to the latest news. As well as this they have section called ‘sky news extra’, ‘editors pick’ in addition to that a ‘gallery’ section. Rather having one section of each subject they have many sections in different parts of the page. All of these things add more interest to the site.

The header black with white text while the majority of the background of page is white with black text, apart from that there are some grey areas on the page. All of these colours are rather bland and simple showing a sense of seriousness. In addition to that everything on the page is structured again showing significance of the page.

Adults will be the main attraction for this website especially the employed, as the site provides useful information about all types of social news in the working world.

The is the Sky news logo...

The logo for sky news is quite simple with red and white used cleverly one on top of the other