This is the BBC Anchor...

This is the BBC Website homepage...
LayoutThe layout on the BBC homepage website has three of the top headlines in the world of news as well as pictures representing the stories.
As well as this it has links to other pages (News, Sport, Weather, TV, Radio ect.).
In addition to that for each page linked to the homepage there is a list with bullet point outlining a few of the top stories within that sections.
The homepage also shows time and weather as well as many other subtopics
NavigationOn the homepage there are links clearly shown at the top of the page for other BBC linked topics. Also the fact that every sub-topic has its own link as well as top stories underneath it makes it easier for the user to get to their destination as fast as possible.
ContentThe content on the front page is simple there is not much content which will make it easier and quicker for the user to find the area the have interest in because here they can quickly scan through the information on the page when they find what they are interested in they can then click on the link to see more information within that specific topic.
Design/Colour The BBC website background theme colours are green, which represent the world cup. This shows that BBC keeps us to date with the news in all parts of the world. The actual theme colour that BBC use is a red colour, but to keep the theme in tune with the time of day they tend to change the colour to a bright colour in the morning and a darker colour in the evening.
AudienceBBC has an all round audience because there are many different sections and there are different forms of media displaying the information e.g. text, videos…
This is the BBC Logo...

This logo is simple and one colour (red)